(As mentioned before, current MIT students should not read this material.)
Having looked at how the largest cluster size varies with
for a fixed
, now we consider the converse of what happens as
varies for a fixed
We learned in class that follows certain functional forms in the limit
of large
Here, is the dimension of the grid being used, and
is the fractal dimension of the
critical percolating cluster1The
fractal scaling
is just one of many power laws that describe
the behavior of a percolating cluster at or near the critical point. The
exponents of these power laws are referred to as “universal”
critical exponents because their value does not depend on the local
shape of the grid being used as a substrate, but only on the grid’s
dimension; thus all two-dimensional grids follow the same power laws.
, the exponents stop depending on the
dimension, and equal the values according to mean-field
theory. Generally speaking we only have exact results for
, where conformal
field theory can be used, or
where mean-field theory is
As an aside, it is worth noting that this behavior for is not obvious, and it is plausible for there
to exist a range of values of
which exhibit large clusters2i.e.,
cluster sizes distributed like a power law, and therefore
would be a power law in
without having infinite clusters.
It wasn’t until the 1980s that is was proved3eg “Sharpness
of the Phase Transition in Percolation Models” by Michael Aizenman
and David J. Barsky that there was a single phase
transition at a single critical point
at which clusters go immediately from being
small to infinite.
Can we observe these functional forms empirically? Let us start in
2D, and graph how and
(the second-largest cluster size) vary with
We have shown the least-squares fit of as a linear function of
for large
; it is quite a good fit.
also appears to grow like
, although I did not perform a fit.
Moving up to :
We are now fitting against two different functional forms. Where
is almost as large as one would expect at the
critical point, we are fitting
against a power law; where
is significantly smaller than one expects at
the critical point, we fit against
4Specifically, we use a power law where
is at least 80% of
for that
, and
is at most 20% of
for that
.. Again, for large
we see that
is a good fit against
At :
It is hard to say at this point that is a good fit for
; at this point it is looking more and more
like a power law.
Finally we get to :
An excellent fit to a power law! Or at least, it looks like
an excellent fit until it is compared to the fit with , very close to
I find it remarkable how much of a difference there is between 0.59
and 0.5927; the former has a very slight but visible bend to the graph
as starts to fall behind slightly for large
. Also, one can see that
are not quite parallel when
is slowly but surely catching up on
. But at
both perfectly match a power law for as high a
value of
as my computer could handle, and visually appear
exactly parallel5Though
from the exponent we see
is in fact slightly catching up on
. This is because at
the system exhibits scale
What of the fractal dimension? We estimate , just shy of the correct value known to be exactly
Continuing, as soon as it is already obvious we have overshot
And it just gets more obvious as increases; at
the second-largest cluster can no longer
keep up:
Here we see that , very close to the predicted
relation of
Of course, the same observations hold in 3D. Here is the behavior at the critical point:
Now we can use these graphs to resolve a bit of a mystery. We saw
previously that for any fixed ,
varies continuously as a function of
. However, the theoretical functional forms for
do not vary continuously: they abruptly change
to a power law at
. How can we resolve this disparity?
It appears from these graphs that we were wrong about the
functional forms, and the functional form actually does change
continuously; first fits
well for small
, then gradually becomes more like a power law as
. However this isn’t true – the functional forms
as stated above are correct. What actually happens is that although the
functional form for large
does abruptly change at
, as
gets closer to
then how large
needs to be for the functional form to be
applicable grows considerably.
This is related to the notion of uniform
convergence; while is a continuous function of
for any fixed
, as we take the limit
converges to a discontinuous function. This is
because the convergence is not uniform,6necessarily, as uniform convergence of
continuous functions always gives a continuous function
but rather the convergence is slower for
How large needs to be to be considered “large” is called
the correlation
; we find it by asking the question, what is the
probability that two occupied sites belong to the same cluster7More
rigorously, how much more likely are they to be in the same
cluster than two far-away points are in the same cluster? This is the
same question when
, but for
two distant points have a nonzero chance
of lying in the same cluster because there is an infinite cluster. Thus
what we are really asking is the chance two sites lie in the same
finite cluster.? If they are further than
apart, the probability falls exponentially with
the distance between them, like
. Another way to see this is that the
radius of a random cluster tends to be at most around
8or a
suitable power thereof.
Therefore when is as big as
, the largest finite clusters tend to
span the whole grid, and the system behaves roughly as if it were at
. Only for
can we observe the limiting behavior.
itself obeys a power-law relationship (see the
above footnote on universal critical percolation exponents):
where for all 2D grids. Thus when
we find
and would need
to be significantly larger than that to observe
behavior, whereas our graph only extended to
We can see this with a 3D plot of :
The ramp region with corresponds to a power law growth rate,
and the constant slope of 2 shows that that whole region has the same
exponent of
. The flatter region with
has an asymptotic growth rate of
. As
gets larger, the transition between the flat
region and the ramp becomes sharper and sharper, but for any fixed value
it remains continuous and unbroken.
The behavior for
is clear, as each occupied site has some
fixed, high probability
of being in the big cluster, so
scales with the volume of the domain
. To understand the transition from
better let us see if we can explain the
The key observation is that when , far away sites are unlikely to belong
to the same cluster; the probability decays exponentially with distance
between the sites, so as
most sites become uncorrelated. Thus
we can imagine each of the clusters as being (mostly) independent of
each other. There is some finite average size for a cluster, so as
is increased the number of clusters
grows proportionally to the volume of the
So to find the largest cluster, imagine taking iid samples
from some probability distribution
of cluster sizes.
will be somewhat “nice” in that it has finite
mean, finite variance, and goes to 0 rapidly as
Let be the maximum of the
; we wish to find the probability distribution
. Now certainly by definition of
where we have used independence of the and identity of the
. Note that
is simply the cumulative distribution
function of
, i.e., its integral.
Let be the median of
. Then
We have used the Taylor series for ; the approximation is accurate because
is extremely large and so
is extremely small.
So now we need to know the asymptotic behavior of . A logical guess is that
is a normal distribution. In that case, its cdf
is called the error function
(after scaling and translating appropriately), in this context more
specifically called the Q-function. An
excellent approximation for the tail behavior of
is the standard normal distribution, so we
Recall is the median of the maximum cluster size, and
. In the end we find that
… which is not correct!
So our guess that cluster sizes are normally distributed is not good; the normal distribution has too little weight in the tails.
Let us see if we can derive the tail behavior of from first principles. To start, suppose we are
in 1D, and we have
Consider an occupied site, and for simplicity ignore its left
neighbor. For it to be part of a cluster of size , the
sites to the right must all be occupied,
which has probability
. Each step further imposes another factor
, so
is an exponential distribution. That is,
, and likewise its integral
. This gives:
which is now correct.
What about higher than 1D? The whole difficulty with is the presence of loops in the grid,
i.e., there is more than one route between any two particular sites. If
there were only one route connecting two sites it would be very easy to
predict whether they are in the same cluster.
Thus we turn to the Bethe lattice,
which is the infinite tree where each vertex has neighbors. If we take
, then the Bethe lattice strongly resembles
-dimensional grid, in that both are regular graphs
with vertex degree
. In fact, the Bethe lattice is the universal
covering graph of the integer lattice; that is, it was what you get
when removing all the loops from the integer lattice. E.g., if you go
up, right, down, left on the Bethe lattice you do not return where you
started – the only way to return to the origin is to exactly retrace
your steps.
The Bethe lattice being a tree, there is a unique path connecting any
two sites, which again makes it easy to calculate the cluster size
distribution. An occupied site has neighbors, each with a probability
of being occupied. Each “newly” occupied neighbor
opens up an additional
new neighbors which have the potential to be
occupied themselves. We can model this process of growing a cluster as a
weighted random walk that starts
units to the right of the origin and at each time
step has a
probability of going
units to the right and
probability going 1 unit to the left; the
size of the cluster is one plus the number of times the random walk went
to the right before reaching the origin.9The
distance from the origin represents the number of sites adjacent to the
incomplete cluster that have not yet been determined whether they are
occupied or not. Thus the size of the cluster is
is the time it takes for the random walk to reach
the origin.
For , which is the critical threshold
for the Bethe lattice, this random walk is biased towards the left. The
path of a biased random walk can be thought of as diffusing from a mean
position which is moving with time. For large times
, this mean position is
to the left of the origin (specifically, the
mean position is at
), but the standard deviation
only grows like
, like all random walks / diffusion
processes. Therefore to remain to the right of the origin at time
requires being
standard deviations to the right. Since
creates a normal distribution, the probability of remaining
standard deviations from the mean scales
which is an exponential decay, exactly as we saw in 1D (recall that the time it takes this random walk to cross the origin is proportional to the size of the cluster).
Thus we have recovered the desired scaling for clusters in the Bethe lattice,
but how does this help us with the standard integer lattice when
Let be the universal cover that maps the Bethe
lattice to the integer lattice (i.e.
“curls up” the Bethe lattice by restoring all
the loops), and consider a random cluster
on the Bethe lattice. Let
be the cluster on the integer lattice
consisting of the points
that if some collection
of points in the Bethe lattice are connected,
is also connected, because
is a covering map and therefore sends paths
to paths. Certainly
is either the same size or smaller than
, depending on whether different points in
have the same image. (Eg, recall that the paths
“right, right, up, up” and “up, up, right, right” go to
different points on the Bethe lattice, and the same
point on the integer lattice.)
Now is some sort of a random cluster, but
is it drawn from the same probability distribution as randomly generated
clusters on the integer lattice? No, in fact it tends to be larger.
Specifically, if we fix an origin point
11As a
slight abuse of notation we will use
to mean the origin of both the Bethe lattice
and the integer lattice, i.e. we identify
. and suppose
is a random cluster containing
on the Bethe lattice, and
is a random cluster containing
on the integer lattice. (We are, of course,
using the same value
for both lattices, and
considering only finite clusters.) Then we claim that for any finite
collection of points
, we have:
For simplicity suppose consists of a single point
. If
, then there exists a non
self-intersecting path from
that passes through points in
. Let us make a list of all finite non
self-intersecting path
that go from
. Then
if and only if at least one of the
To compute this, we add up over all of the
, and then remove
the probability that at least two of the paths are in
, etc. Each
is easy to compute, because it is just
is the length of
. Note that these events
are not independet of each other
because some of the paths pass through the same points as other
To compute , we do exactly the same
process involving adding up the
. Because
is a covering map, each path
has a unique preimage
on the Bethe lattice that is also
a path. Thus we can do this adding up process on the Bethe lattice, and
add up the
and subtract duplicates,
because the paths and
have the same length, and we are
using the same probability
on both lattices.
However the joint probabilities of the paths are not the same,
because there are paths that pass through the same points on the integer
lattice but do not intersect on the Bethe lattice. (E.g. “right, up, up”
and “up, right, right”; or indeed all of the end at the same point on the integer lattice
but different points on the Bethe lattice.) The events
are more correlated with each other
than the events
, so the probability
that at least one event happens is greater for the latter than the
former. That is,
Similarly this holds if is any finite collection of points, not just one
It follows that for any integer ,
where we have used that .
Since we previously saw that when (the critical point on the Bethe
lattice, where
here), the tail probability distribution of
is exponential (i.e.
), it follows that
is bounded from above by an exponential.
What about bounded from below? That is easy: the dimensional integer lattice contains the 1D
lattice as a subset, and so the size distribution is bounded from below
by the distribution on the 1D lattice, which is also exponential.
for large
Now let us jump back to our earlier claim, that if we have iid randomly generated clusters, and
is the size of one of them, and
is the median of the size of the largest one,
so therefore
and we have demonstrated the desired scaling law (recall
While this “proof” is certainly quite hand-wavey, it is largely sound
but for one critical weakness: the critical points of the Bethe lattice
and integer lattice are different. This argument is only valid for , the former critical point. For
a more sophisticated argument is
needed. This kind of approximation process, where we replace the integer
lattice with an easier lattice, will never be able to bring us all the
way to
because the easier lattice has a lower critical
threshold. To write a proof that is valid for all
requires somehow exploiting the critical
behavior as the value of
is, in general, not definable analytically.
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