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2024 July 21 · 1500 words
Ceci n’est pas une review of flatland
2024 July 20 · 2000 words
How Tarantino brings two naive visions of anti-slavery to life
2024 May 12 · 1500 words
How to skirt liability if you use asbestos negligently; the 2017 nanocar race; Rome’s 53 million discarded olive oil amphorae; the world’s largest statue
2024 May 06 · 7500 words
Notes on my entries in the 2024 tournament
2024 April 03 · 700 words
Idle musings on water and eternity
2024 March 21 · 2000 words
Investigating the behavior of a random walk on a percolation cluster
2024 March 14 · 800 words
Measuring the coastline of Massachusetts
2024 March 01 · 3000 words
An answer to criticisms
2024 February 29 · 3500 words
Investigating largest clusters in percolation networks
2024 February 19 · < 500 words
Natural origin wins the Rootclaim covid origins debate
2024 February 18 · 6000 words
Confused by p-values? Look no further!
2024 February 17 · < 500 words
Chess problems
2024 February 15 · 2000 words
Investigating largest clusters in percolation networks
2024 February 10 · 800 words
Chess problems
2024 February 08 · 2500 words
What is the probability a random walk returns to its starting point?
2024 February 03 · 500 words
Chess problems
2024 January 27 · 600 words
Chess problems
2024 January 20 · < 500 words
Chess problems
2023 December 02 · 1500 words
Highlights from the legal front lines
2023 October 01 · 2000 words
Why is infrastructure so expensive in the US? I have no answers, but I do have rambling thoughts

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